Send real time alerts like metrics or user data to MS Teams.


  1. Go here to authorize the app (make sure you're signed into a work or school account)
  2. Change the destination to "MS Teams" by clicking on the current destination (default is "Sheets")


  1. Select the Team and Channel


  1. Write your SQL query
    1. SeekWell will use the title of the blocks for the alert in MS Teams. If not title is specified in SeekWell, the alert will send use "Seekwell Alert" as the title in MS Teams.



  1. Set up a schedule to send updates to your teams!

<aside> ⏳ If you are part of many teams or channels, it might take a free extra seconds for them to show up in the drop down menu.


<aside> 🎯 You can also create SeekWell's Stories let you write narratives about your data using SQL and send directly to MS Teams
